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Budget: Beyond The Politics

TELL Cover Page


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TELL Cover Page
TELL Cover Page

Salif Atojoko, deputy general editor, Business and Special Project is a gentleman. He exhibits that quiet mien, even in the face of challenges. And there are quite a lot of challenges these days. But he does not allow anything to stand in his way when there is work to do. So, last week, though he was working on one story, aside from a number of other stories that he had to edit, he stoically took up another task.

The editorial board, concerned by the noise (not from the designated noise makers though) over the national budget, decided that we look at the document, distancing it from the cacophony of politics. He is one person who could do justice to the issue at hand. So Atojoko was asked to assess the document now before the National Assembly, taking expert advice, to draw out the strengths and weaknesses of the budget.

He did a good job of it. The result is the cover story, Budget: Beyond The Politics.

Closely tied to the proper implementation of the budget, which is the refrain of almost all respondents in the main story, is the issue of corruption. This time, Anayochukwu Agbo, general editor, and our Abuja bureau chief look at the damage the issue of corruption has done and still doing, to the country and its people. It is the alternative cover: The Scars Of Corruption.

Do stay blessed.



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