About 8,000 media practitioners from different countries around the world today started a three-day conference in Berlin,Germany. The meeting will deliberate on development in the media industry, looking at ways of improving the lot of the media, in an age where the audience is fast losing interest in the traditional media, particularly the print.
But again even as the conference takes off, media men are still not in agreement about the fate of the print. However, one area where experts continue to agree is that the major consumers of news content are the youths, and they have become so impatient that the media must court them to know what they want. But is their interest to be packaged in print or supplied through the mobile devices? Different people present different experiences, so participants may have to do their own researches and come up with an option that will work in their locality.
From India, for instance, comes success stories of how the print waxes stronger in spite of the digital age. But can the same be said of other areas? How lucrative can the digital media be? What will drive the digital products? And how fast can the investments bring returns? Those are some of the questions that experts will provide insights into as the meeting progresses.
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