Africa has had its own share of dilapidating and dilapidated democracy.
What do you mean?
I mean there was a time that some countries in Africa evolved from participatory democracy to mock democracy of one strongman becoming the sole ruler and reducing others to mere ringside supporters and cheer leaders. From Ethiopia to Ivory Coast to Central African Republic and Gabon and so on and so fifth.
But later some people in khaki camouflage came to the rescue…
Once they taste the honey in the rock they would want to stay put and lord it over the rest. They create a new brand of democracy where the minority (ONENORITY) dominate the majority. Share on XRescue for where? Na “ogbologbo” camouflage! You think they came to rescue democracy? Yeyenatu! They kuku dabaru (scattered) the whole thing. From budding to full blown dictatorship whether in agbada or khaki. Ghana, Uganda, Togo, Mali, Gambia, Egypt, Libya, Tunisian, almost every African nation including “our own dear native land”, NIGERIA. Once they taste the honey in the rock they would want to stay put and lord it over the rest. They create a new brand of democracy where the minority (ONENORITY) dominate the majority.
Why do things degenerate to this extent? Why do people easily get sucked in under the guise of DEMOCRACY?
Let’s ask A. I. S. H. A, our dependable “gbogbohunse”, all round consultants. Over to you, AISHA.
“” A democratically elected government can exhibit several tell-tale signs when it’s drifting towards dictatorship. Here are some key indicators:
- Expansion of Executive Power: A democratically elected leader may start to consolidate power by appointing family members or loyalists to key positions, suppressing opposition, and manipulating the system to maintain control ¹.
- Monopolization of Force: The government may begin to disarm the population, militarize law enforcement, or create special forces loyal only to the leader, making it difficult for citizens to resist or protest ¹.
- Media Manipulation: A would-be dictator may try to control the narrative by censoring or shutting down independent media outlets, spreading propaganda, or using social media to shape public opinion ¹.
- Elimination of Opposition: The government may start to silence or co-opt opposition leaders, using tactics like bribery, intimidation, or even violence to eliminate potential threats ¹.
- Creation of a National Enemy: A leader may manufacture a crisis or identify a scapegoat to rally the population behind their rule, often using fear-mongering or nationalist rhetoric ¹.
- Erosion of Civil Liberties: A government sliding towards dictatorship may begin to restrict individual freedoms, such as freedom of speech, assembly, or association, often under the guise of national security or stability ².
- Manipulation of Institutions: The leader may attempt to stack the judiciary, electoral commissions, or other key institutions with loyalists, undermining the rule of law and the democratic process ¹.
- Cult of Personality: A would-be dictator may promote a cult of personality, using propaganda and public events to create an aura of invincibility and admiration around themselves.””